Friday, January 27, 2017

Titanic: a passenger's diary

10th April 1912

My name is Hetty and I  am eight, today along with 2000 other passengers I am going to board a 882 foot steam boat called the Titanic with my mother and father from Southampton to New York city. 

11th April 1912

It's exciting being a 1st class passenger we have lovely big Turkish baths and cabins in the middle of the boat so we don't feel the vibrations as much as the other passengers.

12th April 1912 

I've been past the bridge a couple of times and I have heard five icebirg warning so far I hope we don't crash. Today I also went up to the deck and counted the lifeboats, there's only twenty anyway I shouldn't be scared the Titanic is unsinkable.

13th April 1912

This morning I was woken up by an alert saying that a lifeboat drill would be held tomorrow at 12 o'clock. Today was a surprise they served lobster and mother and father got to drink champagne.

14th April 1912 

Again I was woken up by an alert but this time it said that the lifeboat drill had been cancelled, that's weird I thought we were supposed to do them every week.  Late this night something bad happened the ship tilted then there was a big jolt so me and my mother and father went up to the deck to see what was happening. It was terrifying parts of the ship were falling of into the sea, I'm starting to question the amount of lifeboats. It took about half an hour until everyone realised what was happening... we were sinking.Very soon all of the women and children were on lifeboats but there was only enough room for half of the men, that's when I realised we had no searchlight. We fired fireworks to signal the ship that was passing, but they didn't see us. suddenly the ship broke in half and I blacked out. Hours later I was woken by a voice,
  "is there anyone out there?" lying on the ice I tried to shout but I couldn't talk so I screamed as loud as I could, they didn't hear me so I shouted again, this time they heard me. They took me of the ice and thats when I blacked out again.

20th April 1912 I've been in hospital five days now and i'me only just getting better, but i'me grateful that I even survived I am one of only 700 survivors.    

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