Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Amelia Earheart

Today I am going to be writing about Amelia Earhart.

Amelia was born on the 24th July 1897 in Atchison, Kansas. Amelia was inspired to learn to fly when she took her first flight in 1920 she wrote: "As soon as I left the ground, I knew I myself had to fly." 

So from going through many jobs Amelia finally saved enough money to buy flying lessons. Her first instructor was Neta Snook one of the first women to graduate from the Curtiss School of aviation. Earhart got her U.S flying licence in December 1921 - only the 16th woman ever to do so - and borrowed money from her mother to buy a two seat plane that she called the Canary. At the same time, she was becoming famous for her aviation achievements. 

Earhart disappeared from radar on June 2, 1937 over the Pacific Ocean. She was trying to find Howland Island, near Honolulu but a group says she landed on Gardner Island, 400 nautical miles away. Over 100 radio calls, supposedly from Earhart, were heard. A skeleton, ultimately identified as female was found on the island and 1930s-appropriate wreckage has been found there but the plane wasn't found - it may have sunk into the sea.

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