Viking weddings were always held on a Friday which in Norse religion is a sacred day for Frigga the goddess of marriage. The wedding would probably start on the Friday and last about a week.
Before the wedding the groom would have to enter a grave. He would have to dig up and enter the grave of one of his ancestors and retrieve his ancestor's sword.
The Viking bride would not wear any special dress or gown but would focus mainly on her hair and would wear a crown made out of silver covered in valuable crystals.
Like the bride, the groom would not wear any special clothes but would carry a very special weapon (probably given to him by his father.)
The bride and groom wouldn't just exchange rings but would also exchange their ancestors swords.
At the wedding the bride and groom would sacrifice an animal for the gods: a goat for Thor, a sow for Freyja, and a boar or a horse for Freyr. The blood of the animal would be put in a bowl and a bundle of fir-twigs would be dropped in and would be used to sprinkle the blood on the couple.
At the wedding feast a replica of Thor's hammer would be placed on the brides lap while she said her prayers to him.
It was a tradition that the bride and groom would get drunk on bridal ale during the feast. Bridal ale is a special beer brewed especially for the bride and groom.
At least six witnesses would walk the bride and groom to their bed by torchlight after partying.
It was tradition for the bridal party and the groom party to race to the feast and the team that lost would have to serve the ale and beer for the rest of the evening.